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You're Never Too Far Gone - Hope in Prison with Jamie MacDonald

Posted 1 week ago - Feb 12, 2025

From: Reyna Reyna

About 200 women filled the chapel at Plane State Prison in Dayton, Texas.

Jamie MacDonald was there to share her music including her songs, “A Million Chances” & “Desperate”. The ladies sat, some looking excited with great expectation, others with arms folded and seeming more reserved.

Jamie walked on the carpeted stage, introduced herself, and did something I didn’t anticipate. I couldn’t help tearing up as I watched this beautiful woman who was all put together share her messy. 

She lived a difficult childhood, battled addiction, even dealt with gang affiliation, and now here she stood.  She was whole, redeemed, and wanting nothing more than to tell these ladies about a Savior she had clearly experienced. 

You can watch Jamie bring hope to this prison walls on KSBJ's FB, check it out .

I watched one woman in the front row with crossed arms and a fidgeting leg get still. Her leg stopped anxiously moving, her arms unfolded, and she leaned forward. It was like Jamie telling her story made the women realize that the God she was talking about was for them, too. 

Then Jamie started singing. It was like I could feel the words of the song pierce through the heaviness in the room and then it was filled with hope.

The women were in tears, some stood up, and some shouted for joy. 

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Jamie’s lyrics weren’t just words in a song they were her life, and she was a living-breathing testimony that God could use their brokenness too. 

Watching this unfold reminded me of the verse, And they have defeated him by the blood of the Lamb and by their testimony…  Revelation 12:11

The verse means that we can overcome the lies of the enemy by sharing what God has done for us.

Sometimes, all you have left is a desperate prayer. You can watch Jamie MacDonald’s powerful live performance of her song "Desperate" and hear her story to be reminded that even in your hardest moments, God is still listening.

I don’t know about you, but I know I’ve found myself wanting to shy away from sharing my story. I don’t want people to know how jacked up I am! Thankfully God has gently and so kindly reminded me, it’s not about me. It’s about Him.  Our story is about who He is and what He’s done in our lives.

If like Jamie and myself, your story is messy - you’re in good company. 

He loves us in the middle of our chaos and brokenness, but loves us too much to leave us there. 

Keep pressing on, keep looking for Jesus, and remember He’s the God of a million chances. 

With Love, your friend Reyna

How Reyna Landed in Prison - Anything But Quiet Time Podcast



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