Morning Show

Football & Faith

Posted 8 months ago - Jan 1, 2024

Coach Ray Garza believed there was a God but says he wasn‚Äôt really living for God. That was until he met a student who inspired him like never before. Coach Garza says watching Koda Martin live out his faith on and off the field made him want to know more. ‚ÄúI watched him rally the guys to pray after practice and no one told him to do that. I watched him walk through hard things, but he had this peace and I wanted that.‚Äù 

Koda Martin made it to the NFL & today Coach Garza is passionate about his relationship with Jesus and serves at Iowa Colony High School in Alvin, TX. 

The bible says we are the salt of the earth and the light of the world. When we live out our faith focused on God, and not the opinions of others our lives tell a story that word‚Äôs can‚Äôt communicate.  In Koda's case it told a story that sparked faith in a coach who continues to lead not only students on the field, but his family at home.

Whether you know it or not, your life, right now, is telling a story, and it's probably to someone you don't even know is listening.

Matthew 5:13 & 14 

‚ÄúYou are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled underfoot. 14 ‚ÄúYou are the light of the world."