How Suffering Grows Your Faith | The Chosen's Amanda Jenkins
Posted 6 months ago - Oct 4, 2024
From: RachelleAmanda Jenkins is a lot like you--BUSY!!!
She's a mom to her four kids, grandmother to her grandson, wife to her husband Dallas and author of several books, including the latest in a devotional Bible study series for "The Chosen!"
"How do you do it all?" I(Rachelle) asked.
"I don't!" Amanda responded honestly.
Season four of "The Chosen" focuses on how, sometimes, suffering can interrupt life. Amanda's life has its share of suffering. Amid her swamped schedule and resisting her perfectionistic urges, she has a chronically ill child. Maya, her and Dallas's daughter, was born with congenital heart disease.
Amanda shares the heart behind the latest season of "The Chosen" and the Word behind this new Bible study!
Enjoy her refreshing honesty and invite yourself to look in the mirror (as I did) in seeing how Jesus has deeply cared for us in the midst of suffering and when we fall so short of perfection.
Enter to win a copy of "Bible Study Guide Season 4: God's Goodness for the Chosen" below.
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About the Author
Rachelle, a Houston resident since 2014, co-hosts the KSBJ morning show with Carder, sharing the love of Christ through music. Outside of the studio, she enjoys time with her husband, two boys, and their pets, while also embracing her theater background and favorite scripture, Romans 8:38-39.