Morning Show

The Stories of Hope with Rachelle & Carder

Posted 8 months ago - Jan 1, 2024

Some amazing stories have been shared with the KSBJ Morning Show. We wanted a place for those stories to be retold again and again. Feel free to listen or watch "Hope" unfold!

Ben Fuller admits that as a child he only knew the name of "Jesus" as a curse word. His story of turning to Jesus is beautiful!
Tim Barnett from Red Pen Logic shares practical ways to share the Gospel, and how to have hard conversations with skeptics.
Brooke is a driver for Lyft and has been able to use that "platform" to share HOPE!
Sara never knew a time when her parents weren't inviting the community into her home! She learned what HOPE looks
like by watching her parents.
Coach Garza coaches high school football. One of Garza's athletes went on to play for the NFL, but not before sharing HOPE with his Coach.
Little moments where people steadily shared HOPE with Colleen led her to a personal relationship with Jesus in college.
Kailand is a preacher's kid. What would people think if she looked for HOPE in front of her Dad's congregation?
Mary knew about God, but felt that she had too much in her "ledger" for God to forgive. Words of HOPE were shared on KSBJ!
Ricky drives for Uber, and plays KSBJ in his car. One passenger asked him to turn off the Christian music and Ricky's response led to HOPE!