Midday Show

Life Interruptions: Finding Light in the Darkness

Posted 4 days ago - Oct 11, 2024

From: Denise

Life Interruptions: Finding Light in the Darkness

Just when you think life might slow down, something unexpected comes rushing in. For me, it’s been the illnesses of loved ones that have turned my world upside down. First, my dear friend Mary suffered a heart attack and began to decline so quickly. In my desperation, I turned to prayer, and I felt a gentle nudge from the Lord: “She needs a pep-talk, Denise. Give her one!” So, I recorded a heartfelt video on my phone and sent it to her. Day after day, I continued to share those little messages of encouragement. Mary later told me those words were exactly what she needed to keep fighting, and she still watches them from time to time.

Then came the news that one of my best friends, Ingrid, lost her mother. Although we had all anticipated it, the weight of that loss is something you can never fully prepare for. Walking alongside Ingrid as she navigates her grief, sorting through funeral arrangements and the myriad of details, has been emotionally exhausting. And as she cleared out her mother’s room at the care facility brought a flood of memories for her—both joyful and painful—that can catch you off guard.

And just today, I received the heart-wrenching news about my Aunt Judy, who has been bravely facing Alzheimer’s for the past few years. This morning, I learned she had a stroke. Aunt Judy loves Jesus with all her heart, and it breaks mine to pray for her to be taken home to the place she longs to be-with her Lord and Savior. Living far away in the Midwest, I can’t just rush to the hospital and hold her hand.

Heartbreak, loss, sickness…God, where are you in all of this?

I've asked myself this question more times than I can count. Perhaps you’ve found yourself asking the same. In Romans, Paul reminds us that “God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love Him.” This promise is a profound reassurance, reminding us that God weaves our pain and joy into a beautiful tapestry. The “good” He speaks of isn’t about earthly comfort but about growing closer to Him, becoming more like Christ, and finding hope in the midst of turmoil.

While it may feel like God is distant, He is actually drawing us closer, assuring us that He knows our pain. He became human, experiencing our struggles, and out of His immense love for us, He endured the cross so we could always be with Him.

One of our KSBJ artists, Big Daddy Weave, beautifully captures this journey in his song “Let It Begin.” The lyrics resonate deeply:

“For the dreams that died, for the tears I've cried, for the weakness that bears witness to the grace that You supply. There's a river that delivers me to freedom, and the current of His mercy brings restoration. If my wounds could tell one story, let it be my testimony, that You don't leave me where I've been. If this is healing, let it begin.”

It’s a reminder that even in our brokenness, God is there, shaping and molding us, holding every tear we shed and showering us with grace.

If you’re walking through a similar season, know that you’re not alone. At KSBJ.org, we offer resources under our faith tab, including our World’s Biggest Small Group with short Bible studies on grief, our Prayer Wall and our Prayer & Care line where you can call and receive prayer!

Jordan St. Cyr knows pain all too well. What you may not know is that several months after he wrote the song, Jordan and his wife faced an unexpected fire of their own when their daughter Emery was born with a neurological condition.

 I’ll be here during your Midday, playing music that reminds you of God’s unfailing love. Together, we can navigate these difficult times. Hang in there, my friend. There is hope, and we will get through this—together.


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