Learning to Pray without Ceasing
Posted 7 months ago - Sep 6, 2024
From: DeniseWhen my boys were growing up, I made it a priority to take them to Sunday School each week. We attended church as a family, and I strove to lead a life of prayer by example. I’d often heard the saying, “More is caught than taught,” but it wasn’t until last week that I truly experienced its meaning.
My son Brandon sent me a text that left me profoundly moved. He wrote,
“Mom, last night I learned what it means to pray without ceasing. I drove straight into a fierce flash flood storm in Minnesota—nine miles of relentless rain and darkness. For those nine miles, I prayed non-stop. It felt like a bright light was guiding me out of a pitch-black storm. I kept saying, ‘Lord, we will get through this!’ I played praise and worship music and prayed continuously, despite barely seeing the car in front of me and navigating through near-total darkness. Even as reckless drivers zoomed past me, I prayed for their safety too. I kept my Google Maps open to stay on course, and then, just as promised, the light appeared—it was my exit! God, and my Google Maps, guided me exactly where I needed to go, and suddenly, it was bright again.”
As a mother, my heart raced with worry as I read his message. But then Brandon sent another text that shifted my perspective. He said,
“Mom, it was like an analogy for life! Sometimes, you’re in a sunny spot, and then dark, stormy clouds roll in. You tell yourself, ‘I’m going to make it,’ and invite God to guide you through. You might see others speeding past and feel tempted to rush, but that’s reckless. You need to slow down, listen to God, and trust His guidance, even if it means going slower. God knows what’s ahead.”
Brandon’s words were a powerful reminder of faith and perseverance. And there’s something even more remarkable—Brandon is on the Autism Spectrum. At 32 years old, he continues to teach me lessons I might never have learned otherwise. I’ve come to believe that those who are differently abled have unique insights into the character of God. Brandon’s journey has shown me that sometimes, the greatest lessons come from the most unexpected places.
Matthew West has a song, "Don't Stop Praying" that talks about this very thing. Don't Stop Praying-Matthew West
If you need prayer, please head to our prayer wall by clicking this link: KSBJ Prayer Wall
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About the Author
Denise Pagano, a proud Chicagoan and lifelong lover of Jesus, has spent her career in Christian, Country, Top 40, and Jazz radio, with her current dream job at KSBJ hosting Middays. When she's not on air, Denise enjoys spending time with her husband Don, eagerly awaiting a new puppy, and cooking/baking, all while missing her grown children in the Midwest.