What I've Learned Since September 11th: Finding Hope Through Life’s Hardships
Posted 5 months ago - Sep 11, 2024
From: MorganAs I was driving my son to school this morning, we heard Rachelle and Carder talking about September 11th. I shared with my sixth grader about what that day was like and how afraid we all felt when we realized that the United States was under attack. If you remember, in those first few hours we didn't know who was doing it or what else they had planned.
I was at college in California and when I called home to talk to my parents in Maine, my dad said, "I'm coming to get you." He was scared and he just wanted us all close. Dad was willing to get in his car and drive thousands of miles (without GPS!) to bring me home because no one knew how much worse things might get.
In the middle of it all there was so much fear. We didn't know what was next. The future seemed blank and unknown on September 11th and we didn't know if life would ever be the same again.
Then, slowly, things started getting back to their new normal. We were able to shut off our TVs after being glued to them for days, we went back to work and school, we hung out with our friends and went to church. We smiled again. We laughed again.
Eventually, there were days that went by where we weren't constantly consumed by thoughts of the towers falling. Of course, I still remember 9/11 and it still brings me to tears but I no longer think about it every day.
On September 11th, I could never have dreamed that one day, 23 years later, I'd be driving my SUV in a Houston suburb, telling my 11 year old son all about it on his way to school.
Life is like that sometimes. When you face the hard stuff, it’s all you can think about. If that’s where you are today, you might feel like your future is blank and unknown too. You may feel hopeless.
I want you to know that a day will come when you'll laugh again. It might seem impossible now, but SOMEDAY you will even have a day where you don't think about the hard thing that's such a big part of you right now.
In moments of fear and overwhelm, lean on God. Take it one minute at a time if you need to, but please know that there is hope! Take heart in knowing that one day, the difficulties of today will be in your review mirror.
You are so very loved!
PS - If you're feeling hopeless or afraid today, please check out one of our studies from The World's Biggest Small Group and reach out to us for prayer. You are not alone in this!