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Afternoon Show

Free Food for Kids this Summer

Posted 8 months ago - Jun 10, 2024

Summer is here! It might not officially be summer on the calendar just yet, but the kids are out of school and the heat has arrived - so close enough.



Grocery prices have skyrocketed and for any kids who typically are able to get a free lunch at school, summer can be a hungry time. Thankfully, there are a ton of local resources for families facing food insecurity, like the program at the Houston Food Bank.


Many local school districts are offering free lunches this summer and often a person under 18 doesn't even need to be an enrolled student in the district to benefit from these free meals. Some of the meals are available to-go while others are provided to be eaten on campus.


The details change depending on your local ISD, so be sure to check the website for your district before you head to lunch!


School Districts Offering Free Lunches



This isn't a comprehensive list, but I tried to find a bunch to get you started! If you want to look for something closer to you, check the website for your school district.


Another great resource for families this summer is to call 211 if you're in need of meals for your kids. More info here:





One More Thing ...


There is no shame in receiving free meals. I know from talking to some of my teacher friends that sometimes families don't sign up for free or reduced meals because it can feel embarrassing. Please know that the nutrition services crew at your child's school won't judge you - we have all fallen on hard times and right now things are hard for a lot of people. It's okay to accept the help.


If things are tough right now, please know that you are not alone. You can connect with us at the KSBJ Prayer Wall if you'd like someone to pray for you!


You may also find this helpful: Five Ways to Trust God When Life Hurts


You are SO loved. The organizations in our community providing free meals want to make sure the little bellies in your family don't go hungry this summer ... and maybe someday you'll be able to pay it forward and help someone else!

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