
How to Praise in the Midst of a Storm with Natalie Grant

Posted 4 years ago - Jun 29, 2020

From: admin admin

Life is full of storms, but when you can actually learn to praise in the midst of the storm, that is where victory comes.

Philippians 4:6 – Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.

The Bible actually says, “to present your request to God.” — To say, “God I need your help. Help me with this. Help me with this.” Then it says, “come before Him with Thanksgiving.” — So, begin to thank Him for what you haven’t even seen Him do yet. Say, “Even if You don’t do what I’m asking You to do, I’m going to praise You anyway, just because of who You are.”

That does something not to your circumstances, it does something to your heart. “The strength and the victory are not going to come from the answer I’m looking for. The strength and the victory are going to come when I realize I can rest in the middle of the storm because He’s got this. He’s got me.” Even if the terrible happens, even if you feel like you’re just on a collision course, you can rest in the middle of the storm because you know that God is fully in control and that you are in the palm of His hand.

#NatalieGrant #PraiseYouInThisStorm

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admin admin

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