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KSBJ President's Council


Posted 8 months ago - Jun 27, 2024

Constable, Harris County Precinct 4

Mark Herman was unanimously appointed Constable of Harris County Precinct 4 on May 19, 2015, and became the duly elected Constable of the Precinct on November 8, 2016, after winning the general election. In 2020, Constable Herman was elected to a second four-year term, winning over 90% of the popular vote in his primary election.  He has served over 36 years at the Precinct 4 Constable’s Office, joining the department as a patrol deputy in 1985, and rising through the ranks within the department. His vast management experience in Harris County law enforcement provides him with the qualifications to run and lead the Harris County Precinct 4 Constable’s Office.

His duties include managing and leading the largest constable’s office in the United States with an annual budget of more than $62 million dollars and a staff of over 500 sworn deputies and dozens of civilian employees. Constable Herman is a staunch supporter of community-based policing and force multipliers, all in an effort to strategically reduce crime. His entire adult life has been dedicated to public service and improving the quality of life for all residents of Harris County and Precinct 4.

Constable Herman is a graduate of the Leadership Command College, Class of 72, of the Law Enforcement Management Institute of Texas. He proudly attended The Law Enforcement Management Institute classes at Texas A&M University, Sam Houston State, and Texas Women’s  College. He is also a graduate of the FBI Law Enforcement Executive Development Association (LEEDA) Program as well as the Texas Constable Leadership College at Sam Houston State. Constable Herman and his wife Melissa (Missy) have one son and daughter, Dylan and Maci. Both Dylan and Maci are graduates of Texas A&M University.

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