Posted 8 months ago - Jun 27, 2024
Professor in Transportation Studies and Emeritus Director of the Center for Transportation Training and Research, Texas Southern University
Dr. Lewis is responsible for educating students in fundamentals of transportation and urban transportation issues, as well as conducting operational and policy related transportation research. Current research focuses on automated vehicles for public transportation, modal distribution and demand estimation for intercity rail systems, transit supportive development, bus operations on managed lanes and best practice in public involvement. Since joining TSU, Lewis has conducted research for the USDOT, Texas Department of Transportation, Metropolitan Transit Authority of Harris County, metropolitan planning organizations (Houston Galveston Area Council and North Central Texas Council of Governments) and with private transportation consultants. She served as Principal Investigator for the DHS National Transportation Security Center of Excellence. Appointments include the Gulf Coast Rail District (Currently serve as Chair by Houston Mayor and Harris County Judge & Commissioner’s Court) and Transportation Advocacy Group. She also serves as Transportation Research Board’s Chair of Inclusion & Diversity Committee and Transportation Research Board’s Transit Research Advisory Committee (TRAC). Lewis is honored to have received the Rosa Parks Diversity Leadership Award from the Houston Chapter of WTS and the TRB Sharon D. Banks Humanitarian Award. Her Ph.D. is from the University of Houston and Masters and Bachelor degrees from the University of Iowa.