Rachelle Meets Worship Singer in Front of Target
Posted 11 months ago - May 13, 2024
God asked Moses to talk down to powerful King.
Jesus said to his disciples, ‚"Follow me.‚"
He's desired to work through our obedience since the day He created people, and He asked Gary Allen to not take that job but sing instead.
He's not singing at the Toyota Center or NRG-God told him to sing in front of the Target in Humble, TX.
I've seen him a few times there, I'm usually on my way in to buy cinnamon bears (I'm partial), and there he is singing his heart out for God. This time I stopped and asked for his name.
"Why do you do this?" I asked this precious, young man.
He shared that he sees people hurting, people who have no outlet for their emotions regarding the state of our world.
"God told me to come over here and sing."
He's seen lives changed in front of that store. What I usually see there are people in a hurry, but God sees His people in need.
Lord, we want to honor you with our gifts and lives. We want to make ourselves available! Thank you for Gary's example and for the ways that You "show up" in life. Sometimes it's through a song. - Rachelle